For our CURRENT dance schedule, Check our website at:
HTTPS:// for our dance schedule
Scootbacks is a family & singles-friendly modern square dance club. We dance on the 2nd and 4th Fridays September into May (with some 5th Friday all Plus level dances). We have round dancing between squares. At 7:30 PM we have a half-hour of round dancing. Squares at 8:00 PM. With some round dance cuers, we may have some phase 3-4 rounds cued at 7:15 PM.
We dance to a variety of music with local, regional, and national callers. (We are dark in the summer).
We dance at Broomfield United Methodist Church, 545 West 10th Avenue, 80020. Dancing takes place in the church’s Family Life Center, accessed on the north end of the east parking lot along Daphne Street. The church is 3 blocks north of Midway Blvd and bout a mile east of US Highway 287. The church is located just west of Broomfield High School.
View our club and dance information at:
Classes take place just west of the Good Samaritan Hospital near Hwy 287 and 42 (near Louisville, CO) More information at
If you would like to sign up or request more info and directions, please call Hilton at 303-519-8313 or Sue at 303-263-7978 or email Hilton at [email protected] or email Sue at [email protected]
The address for our classes (when they are in session in the Fall, is Glenn’s Den, 10178 Empire Rd, Lafayette, CO 80026
A number of our members are single and we are registered with Single Square Dancers USA. We encourage singles, couples, families, youth, and escorted children to join us.