Volunteer for The Avalon!

Our collective dance community helps to run the Avalon. Come join us in maintaining this wonderful shared asset!

Below is a short list of jobs that need to get done regularly (daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly), though we frequently have other needs during the year.

If you are interested in helping out for these jobs or for future needs, please fill out our Volunteer Survey Form.

If you have any special skills, like plumbing, website design, community outreach or ??, let us know at [email protected]. We would love to have you join in the support of our dance community!

Questions? Please contact our volunteer coordinator at [email protected].

JobHow OftenDetails
Cleaning the outside of the building2–4 times/yearRemove cobwebs, power wash walls, pick up debris
Weeding 3–4 times/week (from March–Nov.)Remove weeds among rocks, pavers, NW fence, curb and sidewalks
Wash windows1/yearWash ballroom windows both inside and out
Sweep curbs Every other monthSweep up debris along curbs of property
Trash patrol Once a monthPick up trash and remove gum from parking lot
Clean tablesAfter each event that uses tablesClean top/bottom of tables surfaces. Clean and secure legs
Create/maintain signsAs neededCreate, laminate, hang and check condition of signs in building
Pick fruitEvery fallHarvest apples, pears and peaches and enjoy the proceeds!
Maintain floor tiles As neededClean/dry portable floor tiles after each use. Sand and repaint back side as needed
Maintain SprinklersOnce per yearCheck connections, even water distribution and for leaks
Dust ceiling fabricOnce per yearVacuum
Trash pickupWeeklyRemove trash from

Have other skills you can offer? Please let us know at [email protected]. Thank you!